Old Courthouse framed in St Louis Gateway Arch

St Louis, MO: Inside The Arch and City


Gateway Arch prospective by Bud Lilly
Gateway Arch prospective by Bud Lilly

Gateway Arch National Park was our 1st stop in St Louis. That was an easy decision because we were staying right next door at Drury Plaza.  I’ve always been pleased with the Drury Plazas that we have stayed in.  This one was very nice too.  You don’t always have a National Monument next door. Bonus!

Bud walking Trit on grounds at Gateway Arch NP
Bud walking Trit on grounds at Gateway Arch NP

Gateway Arch National Park

After purchasing my ticket, I walked through the museum.  This is a great place to hang out coming or going from the top.  It’s not only the history of building the arch, but of the expansion and shaping of the west.  

Inside the museum Gateway Arch National Park
Inside the museum Gateway Arch National Park
Portion of Gateway Arch NP Museum St Louis
Portion of Gateway Arch NP Museum St Louis

Before The Ride To The Top

On the other side of the museum, I caught up with my scheduled group. After some instructions from one of the Rangers, we were assigned a number. I was number 4. Our waiting spots, rides and viewing windows were all labeled for us with these numbers for the duration of the tour. 

In line for tram Ride To The Top Gateway Arch NP
In line for tram Ride To The Top Gateway Arch NP

The 1st thing our group did (standing socially distanced on our spots) was to listen to a short presentation. With projected images and video clips. We learned about the building of the arch and other happenings in the US at that time. 

Next we all had our pictures snapped in front of the green screen and then headed to wait for our ride up.  We were instructed to stand on the steps outside our assigned door and enter  the tram car once cleared by those returning down. 

Small 4 foot door to enter tram car Gateway Arch NP
Small 4 foot door to enter tram car Gateway Arch NP

After ducking through the 4 foot door opening into our tram cars, we find ourselves in these little capsules.  It’s a rounded vessel with 5 small seats protruding from the walls and it’s all white inside.  Screams space to me. Haha Since I was the only one in my party, I was in the tram car alone. It seemed like getting 5 adults inside would be very tight.  Then the doors close.  Yikes. Here we go!

Tram car resemble space capsule Ride To The Top St Louis
Tram car resemble space capsule Ride To The Top St Louis

The Ride To The Top Gateway Arch

During the 4 minute ride to the top of the arch, your little capsule will stay upright. You will feel and hear the adjustments as you ascend and follow the bend. You will be able to see the interior of the arch through the clear doors of the tram car.  The interior consists of the various mechanisms, stairs, work space and tram itself. Not room for much else in the narrow arch! Watch the short video below to see inside the arch.

View At The Top Gateway Arch

Being a party of one definitely had its advantages for taking in the view at the top. From my #4 assigned windows, I was able to see St Louis from the window on one side and Illinois from the other without elbows from others. The isle between the two sides of the top of the arch is only 10 foot or so.  Not really wide up there! The windows are narrow rectangles inset at the back of a divided and slanted ledge. It was a great design for just leaning out 630 feet up in the air to enjoy the aerial view below!

Narrow windows at top of Gateway Arch with incredible views
Narrow windows at top of Gateway Arch with incredible views
The narrow arch top is divided and organized for viewing
The narrow arch top is divided and organized for viewing
View from top of Gateway Arch overlooking St Louis
View from top of Gateway Arch overlooking St Louis
View from top of Gateway Arch overlooking Illinois
View from top of Gateway Arch overlooking Illinois

The Ride Down Gateway Arch

After about 10-15 minutes or so to sight-see below, it was time to take a tram back down.  This one was on the opposite side of the arch. The ride down is only about three minutes and you know exactly what to expect in the space capsule at that point.  Awesome experience! Highly recommend. Join me riding down in video below!

Inside the Gateway Arch St Louis MO

After the exciting main attraction, of going to the top of the arch, you can check out the gift shop, grab a bite to eat in the cafe or explore the museum further. You will walk back through the main corridor of the museum to exit the visitor center at Gateway Arch National Park.  

The Arch Store Gateway Arch NP
The Arch Store Gateway Arch NP
Arch model and museum corridor Gateway Arch Visitor Center
Arch model and museum corridor Gateway Arch Visitor Center

I found Bud and Trit sitting on a bench waiting for me as I exited. They had been checking out the grounds of Gateway Arch National Park taking pictures when I started my tour.  I’ve always told Bud that he is home to me. Wherever we are traveling in the world, seeing him makes me at home. 

Bud and Trit waiting for me to finish Gateway Arch Tour
Bud and Trit waiting for me to finish Gateway Arch Tour

Trit isn’t a service dog, but the nice Ranger let Bud come in and sit with Trit while I went to the top of the arch. It was very cold the day we visited!

Family pic on a cold day at Gateway Arch NP
Family pic on a cold day at Gateway Arch NP

Old Courthouse St Louis

The historic Old Courthouse, closed for upcoming renovations, is part of the Gateway Arch National Park and typically open for tours. The courthouse has significant history with Dred Scott trials held here as well as Underground Railroad links. 

Old Courthouse Gateway Arch National Park St Louis
Old Courthouse Gateway Arch National Park St Louis

Exploring St Louis

I love driving around and exploring, especially cities I haven’t been to. We usually have a list/route of must see sites, but are happy to get off the path or circle back around when something catches our eye. This new luxury apartment building designed by Jeanne Gang, a world famous architect,  is certainly eye-catching! One Hundred Above The Park is a fitting name for this landmark building at street number 100 on Kingshighway Blvd overlooking Forest Park. 

Luxury apartment bldg 100 Above by Jeanne Gang
Luxury apartment bldg 100 Above by Jeanne Gang

Murals and Cathedrals 

Two things that we usually circle back around for or just stop for, are murals and cathedrals. The art and the architecture are so intriguing to me. There is a place called St Louis Mural Mile which would be wonderful untouched. Unfortunately, we found part of it to be painted over with graffiti.  

Train overpass Mural Mile St Louis
Train overpass Mural Mile St Louis

We also came across this beautiful cathedral at an intersection. It’s the Cathedral Basilica of St Louis. Of course we had to make another block to get a photo of the front. 

Cathedral Basilica of St Louis
Cathedral Basilica of St Louis

Busch Stadium

I’ve probably said this before or will say it again, but I love it when ballparks are right in downtown. Busch Stadium is no exception. It is home of the almost 130 year old MLB team, the Saint Louis Cardinals. This particular stadium was completed in 2006 and Ballpark Village was added on the previous stadium site in 2014. Here, you will find bars, Cardinal Nation Restaurant, Budweiser Brew House and the St Louis Cardinals HOF museum.

Busch Stadium Home of St Louis Cardinals MLB
Busch Stadium Home of St Louis Cardinals MLB
Busch Stadium Ballpark Village downtown St Louis
Busch Stadium Ballpark Village downtown St Louis

Citygarden Sculpture Park

In the midst of all of the soaring buildings in the city there is an awesome sculpture park. It was very cold, but we couldn’t resist going through it to capture images of the art.  Trit was asleep, so we left him in the warm truck. We decided to divide and conquer. Bud went one direction and I went the opposite.  What we didn’t see in person, we will enjoy in each other’s pictures with you!

Citygarden Sculpture Park in St Louis Gateway Mall area
Citygarden Sculpture Park in St Louis Gateway Mall area
Sculpture in the 3 acre Citygarden Sculpture Park in St Louis
Sculpture in the 3 acre Citygarden Sculpture Park in St Louis
One of 24 sculptures in Citygarden Sculpture Park St Louis
One of 24 sculptures in Citygarden Sculpture Park St Louis
Pinocchio sculpture in Citygarden downtown St Louis
Pinocchio sculpture in Citygarden downtown St Louis

 Central West End St Louis

The neighborhood between Forest Park and St Louis University might be an upscale, top ten in America and include a business district, but it’s also beautiful, vibrant, inviting and walkable. It’s not only home to 100 Above, Cathedral Basilica, historic homes and around 75 restaurants, it’s also home to some chessy establishments.  

World Chess Hall of Fame

Not cheesy. Chess-y. St Louis is the acclaimed Chess Capital of the United States. The World Chess Hall of Fame is easily spotted with a giant chess piece in front. It’s the world’s largest at 14 foot tall. Enjoy the museum and boutique here. 

World Chess Hall of Fame Central West End St Louis
World Chess Hall of Fame Central West End St Louis

Across the street is the Saint Louis Chess Club, where you can learn to play through classes and private lessons. You can participate in leagues and tournaments or just play for fun. 

One of our last stops was next door to the Chess Club, chess themed Kingside Diner, where I grabbed some fish and chips to go. Meanwhile, Bud was around the corner grabbing a (little healthier) green smoothie at Rush Bowls. Grab and go for the road is the perfect pet travel option!

Kingside Diner Central West End St Louis
Kingside Diner Central West End St Louis

We enjoyed our short time in St Louis, including Central West End. Time to be back on the road and headed to our next stop, Kansas City, MO!

Top of the Arch Experience Photo
Top of the Arch Experience Photo

Oh and remember the photo that was snapped in front of the green screen at Gateway Arch? Here’s the result. Yep, I bought the photo! Haha

Getaway to Fredericksburg soon! You'll love it!

About Us

We are Bud and Debbie Lilly, two travel lovers from Texas. Spending an enormous amount of time researching each location to find the best places to eat, sites to see and things to do is actually something I love to do. Not for everyone, I know. But, we are blogging our experiences to let you know what you can expect in each location and so you don’t have to redo the research. Let us know if you go on any of the same trips and if you find places that impress you. We would love to hear from you!

We feel so enriched by the people we meet and the places we see. Thank you for supporting our blog!

54 thoughts on “St Louis, MO: Inside The Arch and City”

  1. St Louis is such a beautiful and fascinating old city. I’ve been there many times. I live about four hours away in Joplin, Missouri.

  2. St. Louis looks like such a great place to visit! I hope to do more traveling in the near future once things become a little more normal and I’ll add this to the list of roadtrip destinations!

  3. I’ve driven through St Louis, MO and saw the arch, but I’d love to have the in-person, inside experience too! Very cool!

  4. I definitely want to see the Arch. I haven’t been to St. Louis yet, but had no idea that you could actually go up into the arch! Very cool!

  5. I love all the murals and cathedrals and art displays! Those would definitely be on my list of stops to make in St. Louis!

  6. St. Louis is fascinating! We have not been and the city is on our bucket list! The cathedrals and murals are a must to see!!

  7. Love the one hundred above the park building – how cool is that. I want to get a look inside.

  8. I have family in St. Louis and remember visiting the Arch as a young child (long ago) several times. But, I remembered a “scary” ride up the the top of the arch. So, either the ride has changed or my perspective would be different as an adult. Glad to have this information as it now seems like I would enjoy this much more as an adult.

  9. I had been to the arch years ago but would love to go back and explore the rest of the city!

  10. The first time I rode in the arch in a little egg/pod, I thought it was so cool! I didn’t realize it had opened up, so that is great! Definitely a must-do in St. Louis!

      1. Haha! I love it! And I guess I don’t know what they’re actually called, my family in St. Louis always just calls them the egg, but they’re not originally from there so who knows!

  11. Looks like you had a great time. The view from the top of the arch is pretty amazing, not sure how I would feel about going up in those cars. I dislike elevators and that look a whole lot like one. 🙂

  12. I have a niece who lives near the arch and I really need to get there one of these days. I would love to go to the museum as I am fascinated with wagon trains and the old west.

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