Lincoln Memorial on our day trip from NYC to DC via Amtrak

Day Trip to DC via NYC on Amtrak and DC guide


Standing in front of The White House on our day trip from NYC to DC via Amtrak
At the White House

Our DC trip was actually a day trip via Amtrak from NYC. We got up during the night, or so it seemed, and took a very early train to DC. We decided to take the Old Town Trolley as our transportation to all of the tourist sites. This was great because we were able to get off anywhere we desired and stay as long as we liked. We would just hop back on a frequently scheduled trolley and ride until we wanted to get off and explore again.


Big Dog’s Review: On our day trip to Washington DC from New York City we packed a lot of site seeing into a short period of time. Utilizing public transportation we got off at each point of interest, took it all in, got back on and continued. The monuments, especially the ones dedicated to our veterans, were most moving to me. The museums were amazing. You could spend all day in each. Visiting the capital was very interesting as well. When we go back we will say in DC and explore the surrounding area.

Lulu’s Review: I love that this trip was a train excursion from New York City. Utilizing the Old Town Trolley made for a very efficient use of our time. If you know me, you know I like to pack a lot in while traveling. But, it really was an excursion. We just got an overview and could have spent so much more time here.

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Wrap Up: We would love to return to DC as a destination rather than an excursion. As much as we enjoyed our quick trip and all of the highlights, we would like to revisit some of the sites and experience the rest of what DC has to offer…the restaurants, the neighborhoods, the local vibe!

Getaway to Fredericksburg soon! You'll love it!

About Us

We are Bud and Debbie Lilly, two travel lovers from Texas. Spending an enormous amount of time researching each location to find the best places to eat, sites to see and things to do is actually something I love to do. Not for everyone, I know. But, we are blogging our experiences to let you know what you can expect in each location and so you don’t have to redo the research. Let us know if you go on any of the same trips and if you find places that impress you. We would love to hear from you!

We feel so enriched by the people we meet and the places we see. Thank you for supporting our blog!

38 thoughts on “Day Trip to DC via NYC on Amtrak and DC guide”

  1. You could do multiple day trips if to DC to see more. I know we were there a week and still didn’t think it was enough time!

  2. I’ve only been once, very briefly in January. Didn’t linger too long with the outdoor sites!

  3. So many great things to do. I wish I would have made this trip when I visited NYC years ago.

  4. We have been to DC several times, but we tend to go into the Smithsonian and the spend all of our time there. Thanks for some ideas to help us branch out a bit!

  5. Great list of landmarks to visit. I have actually NEVER been to DC, but its on my list. I’ll be pinning this for later – thanks!

  6. I loved DC! We were there for three days, and I still didn’t get to see everything I wanted. Hopefully I will get back there again some time!

  7. I love visiting DC. I especially love all the monuments and tributes. However, lately, I have enjoyed the African American Museum the most. So rich with American history.

  8. Back when I was in HS (way back), I took summer courses at Georgetown U, so took the ‘Metroliner’ between NYC and DC many times.
    But, yeah, DC in one day — probably could use a tad more time there! 😉

  9. My husband and I were just talking about train trips and how we’d love one where we could get on and off at our leisure, so this sounds like a perfect answer!

  10. It’s funny, I have traveled around the world and DC is still on my bucket list! I want to go when the cherry blossoms are in bloom!

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